General Studies: Business (B.A.)
Bachelor Degree
Lewis-Clark State College
Instruction Method
Time to Degree
4 years
About the Program
The General Studies major serves a number of student needs: for strong liberal arts programs and for thorough pre-professional coursework. Within the guidelines provided by the program it is possible for a student, in consultation with an advisor, to tailor a course of study that is suited to his or her needs, abilities, interests, or academic and professional goals.
Program Requirements
General Studies: Business Core complete the following 8 requirements28 creditsWritten Communication, complete one option.Take ENGL 101 and 102.ENGL101 - Writing/Rhetoric I3 creditsENGL102 - Writing and Rhetoric II3 creditsTake ENGL 109.ENGL109 - College Writing & Research6 creditsOral Communication, complete one course.COMM101 - Fundamentals of Oral Communication3 creditsCOMM203 - Sm Group Communication3 creditsCOMM204 - Public Speaking3 creditsMathematical Ways of Knowing.MATH123 - Math in Modern Society3 creditsMATH130 - Finite Mathematics4 creditsMTHPT130 - Finite Mathematics3 creditsMTHPT137 - Math for Technology4 creditsMATH143 - College Algebra3 creditsMATH147 - College Algebra Trig5 creditsMATH153 - Statistical Reasoning3 creditsMTHPT153 - Statistical Reasoning3 creditsMATH170 - Calculus I4 creditsMATH253 - Statistical Methods3 creditsMATH257 - Math Elem Teachers II4 creditsHumanistic & Artistic Ways of Knowing, Choose two courses from two of the three categories (Literature, Arts, Language)Take 1 ENGL-Literature course Choose from ENGL 175, 257, 258, or 261.ENGL175 - Literature and Ideas3 creditsENGL257 - World Classics3 creditsENGL258 - International Literature3 creditsENGL261 - Mythologies3 creditsTake 1 course in the arts. Choose from ART 100, HUM 101 or 150, MUS 101, 102, 150, 151 or 152, or THEA 101.ART100 - Introduction to Art3 creditsHUM101 - The Art and History of the Motion Picture3 creditsHUM150 - Intro/Arts3 creditsMUS101 - Survey/Music3 creditsMUS102 - Music in America3 creditsMUS150 - World Music3 creditsMUS151 - History Musical Theater3 creditsMUS152 - Hist Jazz/Pop Music3 creditsTHEA101 - Survey/Theater3 creditsTake 1 Language course. Choose from NP 101, or 102, or SPAN 101, or 102.NP101 - Nez Perce Lang/Culture4 creditsNP102 - Nez Perce Lang/History4 creditsSPAN101 - Elementary Spanish I4 creditsSPAN102 - Elementary Spanish II4 creditsScientific Ways of KnowingBIOF100 - Intro Bioinformatics3 creditsBIOL100 - Concepts of Biology4 creditsBIOL120 - Plants and People4 creditsBIOL123 - Biology in Film3 creditsBIOL175 - Human Biology4 creditsBIOL227 - Anatomy/Physiology I4 creditsCHEM100 - Concepts of Chemistry4 creditsCHEM105 - Gen Organic/Biochemist4 creditsCHEM111 - Prin/Chemistry I4 creditsCS108 - Intro to Computer Sci4 creditsCITPT108 - Intro to Computer Sci4 creditsFSCI101 - Intro/Forensic Science4 creditsGEOL101 - Physical Geology4 creditsGEOL120 - Intro Earth Systems4 creditsID240 - Integrated Science II4 creditsNS140 - Integrated Science I4 creditsNS150 - Intro/Natural Sciences3 creditsNS174 - Nat Sci Elem Education4 creditsPHYS111 - General Physics I4 creditsPHYS112 - General Physics II4 creditsPHYS171 - Phys Sci Elem Educ4 creditsPHYS205 - Descriptive Astronomy4 creditsPHYS211 - University Physics I5 creditsGIS271 - Intro/Geog Info Sci4 creditsSocial & Behavioral Ways of KnowingTake PSYC 101.PSYC101 - Intro/Psychology3 creditsChoose ECON 201 or 202.ECON201 - Principles of Macro3 creditsECON202 - Principles of Micro3 creditsDiversity requirement.ANTH102 - Cultural Anthropology3 creditsANTH120 - World Prehistory3 creditsANTH170 - Intro/Native Amer Studies3 creditsANTH360 - Race and Ethnicity3 creditsCOMM345 - Intercultural Communication3 creditsENGL258 - International Literature3 creditsENGL474 - Native Amer Written Lit3 creditsGEOG102 - Intro to Geography3 creditsHIST101 - World History I3 creditsHIST102 - World History II3 creditsHIST111 - US History I3 creditsHIST112 - US History II3 creditsHRPT184 - Diversity/Organization3 creditsKIN220 - Soc/Cult Aspects/Sport3 creditsSS184 - Diversity/Organization3 creditsNP101 - Nez Perce Lang/Culture4 creditsNP102 - Nez Perce Lang/History4 creditsPOLS285 - Comparative Government3 creditsSOC101 - Intro/Sociology3 creditsSPAN101 - Elementary Spanish I4 creditsSPAN102 - Elementary Spanish II4 creditsSPAN201 - Intermediate Spanish I4 creditsSPAN202 - Intermediate Spanish II4 creditsID300C - Ethics and Identity3 creditsIntegrative Seminar: Ethics & Values Requisite for all Integrative Seminars: Completion of ENGL 102 or 109, and 24 credits of General Education Core courses.ID300A - Animals and Society3 creditsID300B - Art and Censorship3 creditsID300C - Ethics and Identity3 creditsID300D - Ethics and Ecology3 creditsID300E - Ethics and Technology3 creditsID300F - Gender and Culture3 creditsID300G - Health Integrative Seminar3 creditsID300H - Law and Society3 creditsID300J - Terrorism3 creditsID300K - Values and Sports3 creditsID300L - Vietnam3 creditsID300M - Vulnerable Populations3 creditsID300N - Wilderness3 creditsID300P - Diseases and Society3 creditsID300Q - Econ of Good & Evil3 creditsID300R - Leadership & Ethics3 creditsID300S - NW Culture/Hist/Lit3 creditsID300T - Propaganda3 creditsID300U - Women in the 20th Century3 creditsID300V - Gandhian Ethics/Values3 creditsID300W - Food and Agriculture3 creditsID300X - Civil Rights Movement3 creditsID301A - Hells Canyon Institute3 creditsSS350 - Ethics:3 creditsHUM350 - Ethics:3 credits
Gen Studies: Business Major Reqmts complete the following 2 requirements54 creditsGeneral Studies: Business requires at least one course from each subject. Courses used to fulfill general education core requirements may not be used in the major.See your Advisor for program customization. Take 30 credits of upper division courses, numbered 300 and above in the Major area. Choose from AC, BUS, COMM, or ECON.AC395 - Mngrl/Cost Account II3 creditsAC492 - ST:1 - 12 creditsAC312 - Computerized Accounting3 creditsAC491 - WK:1 - 12 creditsAC495 - PR:1 - 12 creditsAC484 - Tax Law II3 creditsAC345 - Fraud Examination3 creditsAC391 - PERSONAL FINANCE3 creditsAC340 - Acct Info Systems3 creditsAC319 - Not-For-Profit Account3 creditsAC309 - VITA3 creditsAC485 - Auditing Concepts3 creditsAC394 - IN:Accounting1 - 12 creditsAC332 - Inter Accounting II3 creditsAC331 - Inter Accounting I3 creditsAC392 - ST:1 - 3 creditsAC494 - IN:Accounting1 - 12 creditsAC483 - Tax Law I3 creditsAC490 - DS:1 - 12 creditsAC390 - DS:1 - 12 creditsAC385 - Mngrl/Cost Account I3 creditsBUS364 - Emotional Intelligence3 creditsBUS363 - Servant Leadership3 creditsBUS428 - Marketing Management3 creditsBUS492 - ST:1 - 3 creditsBUS461 - Compensation/Benefits3 creditsBUS306 - Business and Culture3 creditsBUS392 - ST:1 - 3 creditsBUS375 - Business Law II3 creditsBUS405 - Entrepreneurship3 creditsBUS490 - DS:1 - 3 creditsBUS333 - Consumer Behavior3 creditsBUS348 - Nonprofit Grnt Writng3 creditsBUS412 - Human Resource Mgmt3 creditsBUS413 - Org Behavior3 creditsBUS494 - IN:1 - 12 creditsBUS498 - SR STRAT SEM3 creditsBUS394 - IN:1 - 12 creditsBUS360 - Leadership3 creditsBUS301 - Financial Management3 creditsBUS352 - Public Finance3 creditsBUS400 - Advertising3 creditsBUS416 - Staffing3 creditsBUS440 - Human Resource Law3 creditsBUS450 - Training/Development3 creditsBUS325 - Food Service Sys/Ctrls3 creditsBUS499 - DS:Business1 - 3 creditsBUS366 - Business/Society3 creditsBUS480 - Comparative Intnl Mgmt3 creditsBUS390 - DS:1 - 12 creditsBUS346 - Nonprofit Management3 creditsBUS365 - Business Law I3 creditsBUS311 - Foundation/Mgmt Theory3 creditsBUS323 - Promotion Methods3 creditsBUS321 - Principles of Marketing3 creditsBUS370 - Prod/Operations Mgmt3 creditsBUS435 - Money/Banking3 creditsBUS421 - Marketing Research3 creditsBUS347 - Nonprofit Fundraising3 creditsBUS482 - International Marketing3 creditsBUS431 - Public Relations3 creditsBUS340 - Retail Marketing3 creditsBUS380 - International Business3 creditsBUS355 - Information Sys/Manage3 creditsCOMM492 - ST:1 - 3 creditsCOMM490 - DS:1 - 3 creditsCOMM390 - DS:1 - 3 creditsCOMM350 - Sports Communication3 creditsCOMM395 - PR:1 - 12 creditsCOMM361 - Animation3 creditsCOMM363 - Native American/Film3 creditsCOMM491 - WK:1 - 3 creditsCOMM311 - Video Production II1 - 4 creditsCOMM360 - History/Motion Pictures3 creditsCOMM399 - Research Assistantships1 - 12 creditsCOMM411 - Video Production Unit1 - 4 creditsCOMM495 - PR:1 - 12 creditsCOMM394 - IN:1 - 12 creditsCOMM306 - Playwriting3 creditsCOMM475 - The Dark Side3 creditsCOMM494 - IN:1 - 12 creditsCOMM330 - Prof Communication3 creditsCOMM312 - Video Editing/Compositing3 creditsCOMM450 - Digital Photography3 creditsCOMM480 - Theory In Communicatn3 creditsCOMM384 - Communication Theory3 creditsCOMM346 - Nonprofit Management3 creditsCOMM380 - Ethical Iss/Communications3 creditsCOMM301 - Media Relations3 creditsCOMM310 - Organztnl Communication3 creditsCOMM375 - Creating Digital Media3 creditsCOMM340 - Aesthetics/Vis Prod3 creditsCOMM470 - Conflict Management3 creditsCOMM362 - Documentary Tradition3 creditsCOMM405 - Multimedia Writing3 creditsCOMM406 - Adv Playwriting3 creditsCOMM304 - Adv. Public Speaking3 creditsCOMM357 - Eur Culture in Film3 creditsCOMM370 - Political Comm3 creditsCOMM302 - Screenwriting3 creditsCOMM348 - Nonprofit Grnt Writng3 creditsCOMM320 - Persuasion3 creditsCOMM420 - Restorative Comm3 creditsCOMM392 - ST:1 - 3 creditsCOMM400 - Advertising3 creditsCOMM345 - Intercultural Communication3 creditsCOMM498 - Senior Res Proj Design3 creditsCOMM347 - Nonprofit Fundraising3 creditsCOMM440 - Social Media Marketing3 creditsCOMM402 - Advanced Screenwriting3 creditsCOMM499 - Research Project/Seminar3 creditsCOMM300 - Print/Online Editing3 creditsECON465 - International Economics3 creditsECON492 - ST:1 - 3 creditsECON392 - ST:1 - 3 creditsECON490 - DS:1 - 12 creditsECON491 - WK:1 - 12 creditsECON302 - Inter Price Theory3 creditsECON495 - PR:1 - 12 creditsECON399 - Research Assistantships1 - 12 creditsECON301 - Intermediate Macroeconomic3 creditsECON300 - Statistical Methods3 creditsSee your Advisor for program customization. Take 24 additional credits of AC, BUS, COMM, or ECON courses numbered 100 and above.AC294D - IN:Accounting1 - 12 creditsAC294 - IN:Accounting1 - 12 creditsAC294B - IN:Accounting1 - 12 creditsAC395 - Mngrl/Cost Account II3 creditsAC492 - ST:1 - 12 creditsAC291 - WK:1 - 12 creditsAC295 - PR:1 - 12 creditsAC312 - Computerized Accounting3 creditsAC299 - Research Assistantships1 - 12 creditsAC491 - WK:1 - 12 creditsAC495 - PR:1 - 12 creditsAC394D - IN:Accounting1 - 12 creditsAC394B - IN:Accounting1 - 12 creditsAC494B - IN:Accounting1 - 12 creditsAC494D - IN:Accounting1 - 12 creditsAC231 - Prin/Accounting I3 creditsAC484 - Tax Law II3 creditsAC345 - Fraud Examination3 creditsAC391 - PERSONAL FINANCE3 creditsAC340 - Acct Info Systems3 creditsAC292 - ST:1 - 12 creditsAC319 - Not-For-Profit Account3 creditsAC309 - VITA3 creditsAC290 - DS:1 - 12 creditsAC485 - Auditing Concepts3 creditsAC394 - IN:Accounting1 - 12 creditsAC332 - Inter Accounting II3 creditsAC294A - IN:Accounting1 - 12 creditsAC294C - IN:Accounting1 - 12 creditsAC331 - Inter Accounting I3 creditsAC394A - IN:Accounting1 - 12 creditsAC394C - IN:Accounting1 - 12 creditsAC494A - IN:Accounting1 - 12 creditsAC494C - IN:Accounting1 - 12 creditsAC232 - Prin/Accounting II3 creditsAC392 - ST:1 - 3 creditsAC494 - IN:Accounting1 - 12 creditsAC483 - Tax Law I3 creditsAC490 - DS:1 - 12 creditsAC390 - DS:1 - 12 creditsAC385 - Mngrl/Cost Account I3 creditsBUS560 - Leadership3 creditsBUS513 - Org Behavior3 creditsBUS192 - ST:1 - 12 creditsBUS364 - Emotional Intelligence3 creditsBUS363 - Servant Leadership3 creditsBUS190 - DS:1 - 12 creditsBUS292 - ST:1 - 12 creditsBUS428 - Marketing Management3 creditsBUS492 - ST:1 - 3 creditsBUS461 - Compensation/Benefits3 creditsBUS261 - Sm Bus/Entrepren Mgmt3 creditsBUS306 - Business and Culture3 creditsBUS392 - ST:1 - 3 creditsBUS375 - Business Law II3 creditsBUS405 - Entrepreneurship3 creditsBUS490 - DS:1 - 3 creditsBUS290 - DS:1 - 12 creditsBUS294D - IN:1 - 12 creditsBUS333 - Consumer Behavior3 creditsBUS348 - Nonprofit Grnt Writng3 creditsBUS494D - IN:1 - 12 creditsBUS412 - Human Resource Mgmt3 creditsBUS413 - Org Behavior3 creditsBUS512 - Hum Res Mgmt in Hthcre3 creditsBUS494 - IN:1 - 12 creditsBUS498 - SR STRAT SEM3 creditsBUS394D - IN:1 - 12 creditsBUS494B - IN:1 - 12 creditsBUS394 - IN:1 - 12 creditsBUS360 - Leadership3 creditsBUS301 - Financial Management3 creditsBUS101 - Introduction to Business3 creditsBUS352 - Public Finance3 creditsBUS400 - Advertising3 creditsBUS416 - Staffing3 creditsBUS440 - Human Resource Law3 creditsBUS271 - Business Statistics3 creditsBUS450 - Training/Development3 creditsBUS325 - Food Service Sys/Ctrls3 creditsBUS499 - DS:Business1 - 3 creditsBUS366 - Business/Society3 creditsBUS480 - Comparative Intnl Mgmt3 creditsBUS294 - IN:1 - 12 creditsBUS390 - DS:1 - 12 creditsBUS294A - IN:1 - 12 creditsBUS346 - Nonprofit Management3 creditsBUS394A - IN:1 - 12 creditsBUS494A - IN:1 - 12 creditsBUS365 - Business Law I3 creditsBUS294B - IN:1 - 12 creditsBUS394B - IN:1 - 12 creditsBUS311 - Foundation/Mgmt Theory3 creditsBUS323 - Promotion Methods3 creditsBUS321 - Principles of Marketing3 creditsBUS370 - Prod/Operations Mgmt3 creditsBUS435 - Money/Banking3 creditsBUS421 - Marketing Research3 creditsBUS347 - Nonprofit Fundraising3 creditsBUS394C - IN:1 - 12 creditsBUS221 - Intro/Computers Info Sys3 creditsBUS294C - IN:1 - 12 creditsBUS220 - Business Communications3 creditsBUS494C - IN:1 - 12 creditsBUS482 - International Marketing3 creditsBUS431 - Public Relations3 creditsBUS340 - Retail Marketing3 creditsBUS380 - International Business3 creditsBUS355 - Information Sys/Manage3 creditsCOMM492 - ST:1 - 3 creditsCOMM250 - Intro to Journalism3 creditsCOMM294 - IN:1 - 12 creditsCOMM490 - DS:1 - 3 creditsCOMM290 - DS:1 - 3 creditsCOMM390 - DS:1 - 3 creditsCOMM350 - Sports Communication3 creditsCOMM395 - PR:1 - 12 creditsCOMM211 - Video Production I4 creditsCOMM292 - ST:1 - 3 creditsCOMM361 - Animation3 creditsCOMM295 - PR:1 - 12 creditsCOMM363 - Native American/Film3 creditsCOMM491 - WK:1 - 3 creditsCOMM299 - Research Assistantships1 - 12 creditsCOMM311 - Video Production II1 - 4 creditsCOMM360 - History/Motion Pictures3 creditsCOMM399 - Research Assistantships1 - 12 creditsCOMM411 - Video Production Unit1 - 4 creditsCOMM495 - PR:1 - 12 creditsCOMM394 - IN:1 - 12 creditsCOMM306 - Playwriting3 creditsCOMM475 - The Dark Side3 creditsCOMM494 - IN:1 - 12 creditsCOMM330 - Prof Communication3 creditsCOMM312 - Video Editing/Compositing3 creditsCOMM450 - Digital Photography3 creditsCOMM195 - PR:1 - 12 creditsCOMM480 - Theory In Communicatn3 creditsCOMM384 - Communication Theory3 creditsCOMM194 - In:1 - 12 creditsCOMM346 - Nonprofit Management3 creditsCOMM380 - Ethical Iss/Communications3 creditsCOMM301 - Media Relations3 creditsCOMM204 - Public Speaking3 creditsCOMM310 - Organztnl Communication3 creditsCOMM375 - Creating Digital Media3 creditsCOMM340 - Aesthetics/Vis Prod3 creditsCOMM470 - Conflict Management3 creditsCOMM291 - WK:1 - 3 creditsCOMM362 - Documentary Tradition3 creditsCOMM405 - Multimedia Writing3 creditsCOMM406 - Adv Playwriting3 creditsCOMM304 - Adv. Public Speaking3 creditsCOMM357 - Eur Culture in Film3 creditsCOMM370 - Political Comm3 creditsCOMM302 - Screenwriting3 creditsCOMM348 - Nonprofit Grnt Writng3 creditsCOMM320 - Persuasion3 creditsCOMM420 - Restorative Comm3 creditsCOMM202 - Interpersonal Comm3 creditsCOMM201 - Intro/Mass Communication3 creditsCOMM203 - Sm Group Communication3 creditsCOMM392 - ST:1 - 3 creditsCOMM400 - Advertising3 creditsCOMM101 - Fundamentals of Oral Communication3 creditsCOMM345 - Intercultural Communication3 creditsCOMM498 - Senior Res Proj Design3 creditsCOMM205 - Logic/Argumentation3 creditsCOMM347 - Nonprofit Fundraising3 creditsCOMM440 - Social Media Marketing3 creditsCOMM402 - Advanced Screenwriting3 creditsCOMM499 - Research Project/Seminar3 creditsCOMM300 - Print/Online Editing3 creditsECON465 - International Economics3 creditsECON101 - Contemporary Economics3 creditsECON292 - ST:1 - 3 creditsECON291 - WK:1 - 12 creditsECON299 - Research Assistantships1 - 12 creditsECON492 - ST:1 - 3 creditsECON290 - DS:1 - 12 creditsECON392 - ST:1 - 3 creditsECON490 - DS:1 - 12 creditsECON201 - Principles of Macro3 creditsECON491 - WK:1 - 12 creditsECON302 - Inter Price Theory3 creditsECON495 - PR:1 - 12 creditsECON102 - Consumer Economics3 creditsECON295 - PR:1 - 12 creditsECON399 - Research Assistantships1 - 12 creditsECON301 - Intermediate Macroeconomic3 creditsECON202 - Principles of Micro3 creditsECON300 - Statistical Methods3 credits
Foreign Language Bach Arts complete 1 of the following requirements12 creditsComplete foreign or heritage language, through the 202 level for the Bachelor of Arts degree. Course number 101, the first semester of language, is also required as a pre-requisite and may be used as Diversity or general electives.SpanishSPAN102 - Elementary Spanish II4 creditsSPAN201 - Intermediate Spanish I4 creditsSPAN202 - Intermediate Spanish II4 creditsNez PerceNP102 - Nez Perce Lang/History4 creditsNP201 - Inter Nez Perce Lang I4 creditsNP202 - Inter Nez Perce Lang II4 creditsOther Foreign or Heritage languages
Lab Science Requirement3 credits
120 Credits Required for Bachelor's Degree120 credits
Grand Total Credits
* Please note that you must meet with an advisor each semester in order to verify degree completion time as well as online course offerings for the program requirements.