Education, Language, Literacy, and Culture (M.A.)
Master Degree
Boise State University
Instruction Method
Time to Degree
2 semesters
About the Program
The Master of Arts in Education, Language, Literacy and Culture is designed to develop your understanding of the field of literacy and language development so you can serve all K-12 learners. Our program is aligned with the International Literacy Association Standards for Reading Professionals.
No more than one-half (1/2) of the total credits applied to a graduate degree or certificate can be from dual-listed classes.
Program Requirements
Graduate Major Requirements complete the following 7 requirements21 creditsEDLLC548 - Psycholinguistics and Literacy3 creditsEDLLC551 - Literacy Leadership3 creditsEDLLC501 - Culturally Diverse Learners3 creditsEDLLC560 - Research Lit & Multiling Edu3 creditsEDLLC540 - Theoretical Found Lang & Lit3 creditsEDLLC545 - Writing Process & Assess K-83 creditsTake at least 1 of the following:EDLLC542 - Best Practices Literacy Improv3 creditsEDLLC509 - Field Experience/Bilingual1 - 3 creditsEDLLC510 - Field Exp in ESL Classrooms1 - 3 credits
Take at least 9 elective credits: electives may be taken anywhere in the university but must be approved by the student's graduate advisor and the Graduate Program Coordinator. The student must demonstrate how the electives fit into the student's program of study centered around language, literacy, and culture.9 credits
Graduate Culminating Activity and Other Requirements take the following courses, take 8-12 credits8 - 12 creditsTake at least 2 credits from EDLC692 and at least 6 credits from EDLLC593EDLLC672 - Capstone Proposal1 creditEDLLC692 - Capstone Course1 - 4 creditsEDLLC593 - Thesis1 - 6 credits
Grand Total Credits
* Please note that you must meet with an advisor each semester in order to verify degree completion time as well as online course offerings for the program requirements.