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Communication (M.A.)

Master Degree
Idaho State University

About the Program

The Master of Arts in Communication program is a highly flexible 30 credit graduate degree. Students typically take graduate courses in other departments to supplement work in Communication, Media, and Persuasion to build their own cohesive program of study. All students need to work with an advisor to design and approve a program of study and should contact one of the graduate faculty before registering for the first semester. Though it is possible to work at an accelerated pace, the Master of Arts in Communication is designed as a two-year program.

To be admitted to classified status, students must apply to, and meet all criteria for, admission to the Graduate School. In addition, students need to score in the 40th percentile or higher in the verbal portion of the GRE.

Program Requirements

  • Required Courses
    3 credits
    CMP6601 - Communication & Media Studies
    3 credits
  • CMP Graduate Seminar Rwquirements
    9 credits
    CMP6630 - Seminar in Communication
    3 credits
  • Additional Graduate Level CMP Courses
    12 - 15 credits
    CMP3338 - Typography and Print Media
    3 credits
    CMP3308 - Groups and Communication
    3 credits
    CMP2XXX - Transfer Course
    0 - 5 credits
    CMP3XXX - Transfer Course
    0 - 5 credits
    CMP3333 - Virtual Reality Environments
    3 credits
    CMP4XXX - Transfer Course
    0 - 5 credits
    CMP2299 - Experimental Course
    1 - 6 credits
    CMP5502 - Digital Media Bootcamp
    3 credits
    CMP4455L - Photo Media Lab
    0 credits
    CMP5567 - Pers & Professional Branding
    3 credits
    CMP5557L - Advanced Photo Media Lab
    0 credits
    CMP5582 - American Public Address
    3 credits
    CMP3365 - Ad Strategy Copywriting
    3 credits
    CMP3375 - Television Programming
    3 credits
    CMP5524 - Management Communication
    3 credits
    CMP2251 - Introduction to Photography
    3 credits
    CMP2271 - TV and Video Production
    3 credits
    CMP3311 - Business & Tech Reporting
    3 credits
    CMP3336 - Typography and Digital Media
    3 credits
    CMP4415 - Television News
    3 credits
    CMP4436 - Advanced Issues in Design
    3 credits
    CMP4437 - Illustration/Brand Identity
    3 credits
    CMP4467 - Social Media Campaigns
    3 credits
    CMP4475 - Corporate Video Production
    3 credits
    CMP4484 - Recent Rhetorical Issues
    3 credits
    CMP4489 - Senior Seminar in Rhetoric
    3 credits
    CMP5535 - Narrative and Print
    3 credits
    CMP5557 - Advanced Photography
    3 credits
    CMP1199 - Experimental Course
    1 - 6 credits
    CMP1XXX - Transfer Course
    0 - 5 credits
    CMP4486 - Contemporary Rhetorical Theory
    3 credits
    CMP4459 - Business Practices
    3 credits
    CMP4495 - Senior Capstone Experience
    3 credits
    CMP5586 - Contemporary Rhetorical Theory
    3 credits
    CMP2251L - Intro Photography Lab
    0 credits
    CMP3337 - Illustration
    3 credits
    CMP3352L - Photo Communication Lab
    0 credits
    CMP3399 - Experimental Course
    1 - 6 credits
    CMP4402 - Digital Media Bootcamp
    3 credits
    CMP4471 - Studio-Based Content Creation
    3 credits
    CMP4481 - Rhetoric of Hitler Churchill
    3 credits
    CMP4482 - American Public Address
    3 credits
    CMP4485 - Classical Rhetorical Theory
    3 credits
    CMP4499 - Experimental Course
    1 - 6 credits
    CMP5536 - Advanced Issues in Design
    3 credits
    CMP5555 - Photo Media
    3 credits
    CMP5555L - Photo Media Lab
    0 credits
    CMP5581 - Rhetoric of Hitler Churchill
    3 credits
    CMP5584 - Recent Rhetorical Issues
    3 credits
    CMP5585 - Classical Rhetorical Theory
    3 credits
    CMP3332 - 3-D Modeling and Design
    3 credits
    CMP3335 - Typography and Layout
    3 credits
    CMP3352 - Photo Communication
    3 credits
    CMP3355 - Lighting for Digital Media
    3 credits
    CMP3383 - Activism and Social Change
    3 credits
    CMP4409 - Communication Inquiry
    3 credits
    CMP4424 - Management Communication
    3 credits
    CMP4435 - Narrative and Print
    3 credits
    CMP4455 - Photo Media
    3 credits
    CMP4457 - Advanced Photography
    3 credits
    CMP4457L - Advanced Photo Media Lab
    0 credits
    CMP4465 - Advertising Campaigns
    3 credits
    CMP3382 - Political Communication
    3 credits
    CMP6650 - Thesis
    1 - 6 credits
    CMP3347 - Sport Communication
    3 credits
    CMP4420 - Advanced Leader Communication
    3 credits
    CMP5587 - Rhetorical Theory
    3 credits
    CMP4483 - Rhetoric of Popular Culture
    3 credits
    CMP4446 - Public Relations Campaigns
    3 credits
    CMP3339 - Web Design
    3 credits
    CMP4488 - Rhetorical Criticism
    3 credits
    CMP3346 - Public Relations Writing
    3 credits
    CMP4403 - Mass Comm and Society
    3 credits
    CMP3367 - Media Analytics
    3 credits
    CMP5518 - Feature Writing
    3 credits
    CMP4438 - Graphic Design Portfolio
    3 credits
    CMP4418 - Feature Writing
    3 credits
    CMP5503 - Mass Comm and Society
    3 credits
    CMP5509 - Communication Inquiry
    3 credits
    CMP6691 - Independent Study
    1 - 3 credits
    CMP2201 - Business Professional Comm
    3 credits
    CMP1110 - Media Writing
    3 credits
    CMP4460 - NSAC Ad Competition
    3 credits
    CMP3310 - Multiplatform Storytelling
    3 credits
    CMP4491 - Independent Projects
    1 - 3 credits
    CMP6660 - Graduate Degree Paper
    1 - 3 credits
    CMP3371 - Narrative Video Production
    3 credits
    CMP5599 - Experimental Course
    1 - 6 credits
    CMP3307 - Introduction to Social Media
    3 credits
    CMP5583 - Rhetoric of Popular Culture
    3 credits
    CMP6601 - Communication & Media Studies
    3 credits
    CMP4422 - Conflict Management
    3 credits
    CMP5591 - Independent Research Projects
    1 - 3 credits
    CMP4487 - Rhetorical Theory
    3 credits
    CMP2202 - Photo Graphic and Video Edit
    3 credits
    CMP2241 - Intro Public Relations
    3 credits
    CMP3373 - Documentary Cinema
    3 credits
    CMP3302 - Image Management
    3 credits
    CMP5504 - Gender and Communication
    3 credits
    CMP2205 - Argumentation
    3 credits
    CMP4494 - Internship
    1 - 3 credits
    CMP5510 - Mass Media History Law Ethics
    3 credits
    CMP2203 - Media Literacy
    3 credits
    CMP3309 - Communication Inquiry
    3 credits
    CMP4410 - Mass Media History Law Ethics
    3 credits
    CMP3312 - Screenwriting
    3 credits
    CMP2286 - Visual Rhetoric
    3 credits
    CMP5546 - Public Relations Campaigns
    3 credits
    CMP6630 - Seminar in Communication
    3 credits
    CMP5588 - Rhetorical Criticism
    3 credits
    CMP3320 - Foundations of Leadership
    3 credits
    CMP3305 - Intercollegiate Debate
    1 - 3 credits
    CMP2209 - Persuasion
    3 credits
    CMP2261 - Intro Advertising
    3 credits
    CMP5520 - Advanced Leader Communication
    3 credits
    CMP5540 - Sport Public Relations
    3 credits
    CMP5522 - Conflict Management
    3 credits
    CMP4404 - Gender and Communication
    3 credits
    CMP4440 - Sport Public Relations
    3 credits
    CMP2250 - History Appreciation Photo
    3 credits
    CMP2231 - Introduction to Graphic Design
    3 credits
  • Graduate Level Paper
    3 - 6 credits
    CMP6650 - Thesis
    1 - 6 credits
Grand Total Credits

* Please note that you must meet with an advisor each semester in order to verify degree completion time as well as online course offerings for the program requirements.